Love people. Love the planet.

Welcome! Youth Action Collective is working to strengthen the next generation of world changers by…

Our Mission

Youth Action Collective aims to inspire our youngest citizens to develop a lasting commitment to services by fostering empathy, building skills, and encouraging a spirit of responsibility and innovation.

Volunteer Projects for Kids and Families

Youth Action Collective provides volunteer opportunities for kids ranging from 2-14 years old along with their families. Volunteering is accessible to all through two types of service options: Anywhere and Onsite.

Anywhere Service Activities

These activities can be done at your home, in a classroom, with a youth group or Scout troop. These activities allow for more flexibility for completion time.

Onsite Service Activities

These activities will take place at a specific location. These opportunities are best for families or very small groups. Caregivers are expected to remain with their children during the activity. Onsite service activities may have stricter age ranges, so read the details carefully before registering!

Youth Action